(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

Tell us about Matthew 3:2

Jesus: “In Matthew 3:2, John the Baptist proclaims a message that is both urgent and timeless: ‘Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ This call to repentance is foundational to understanding the coming of God’s kingdom.”

Peter: “Master, what does it mean to ‘repent’? And how is the kingdom of heaven ‘at hand’?”

Jesus: “Peter, to repent means to turn away from sin and turn back to God. It’s not just feeling sorry for wrongs but making a genuine change in direction—a transformation of heart and mind. The kingdom of heaven being ‘at hand’ signifies its nearness, both in time and space. It’s a declaration that God’s reign is approaching in a new and profound way through my ministry.”

Andrew: “So, John’s call for repentance was a preparation for your arrival, Lord?”

Jesus: “Exactly, Andrew. John prepared the way by urging people to cleanse their hearts and lives, making ready to receive the kingdom I was bringing. His message was like clearing the ground for new seeds to be planted, seeds of faith and righteousness.”

John: “It seems like a message of hope as much as a warning. Is that right?”

Jesus: “Indeed, John. It’s a message of hope because it announces the imminent arrival of God’s kingdom, a realm where peace, justice, and righteousness prevail. But it also serves as a warning to those who are complacent or resistant to God’s ways, urging them to reconsider their paths before it’s too late.”

Philip: “Lord, how should we, as your followers, respond to the message ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ today?”

Jesus: “Philip, the call to repentance is ongoing. It’s a daily invitation to align your life with God’s will and to live out the values of the kingdom of heaven here and now. Embrace a lifestyle of humility, service, and love, continually turning away from sin and toward God. This is how you prepare for and participate in the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew: “So, this message isn’t just historical; it’s something active and alive in us?”

Jesus: “Precisely, Matthew. The kingdom of heaven is not just a future reality but a present one. Through repentance and faith, you enter into this kingdom and live under God’s rule, experiencing His grace and transformation. John’s message is as relevant to you today as it was to those who first heard it along the Jordan River.”