(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

Why did Aaron’s sons die?

Jesus: “Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, died because they offered what the Scriptures call ‘strange fire’ before the Lord, which He had not commanded them to offer. This incident is recorded in Leviticus 10. Their actions were contrary to God’s explicit instructions about how His holiness was to be approached and honored.”

Peter: “Lord, what exactly was this ‘strange fire’ they offered?”

Jesus: “Peter, ‘strange fire’ refers to incense burned in a manner or with a formulation not prescribed by God. It was unauthorized, representing a deviation from the divine command. Their act demonstrated a lack of reverence for the specific and holy instructions given by God for worship in the Tabernacle.”

John: “Was their punishment not too severe? They were, after all, trying to serve in their priestly role.”

Jesus: “John, their actions might seem like a minor error, but in the context of God’s holiness, it was a grave sin. The severity of their punishment underscores the seriousness with which God regards holiness and obedience, especially from those who lead His people in worship. It was a stern warning to all about the importance of following God’s commands precisely.”

Andrew: “How can we apply this lesson in our lives today?”

Jesus: “Andrew, the lesson here is about the importance of obedience and reverence for God. When you approach God, do so with a heart of reverence and adherence to His instructions. In your daily life, this means seeking to understand what God has revealed in Scripture and living in a way that honors those teachings.”

James, son of Zebedee: “Does this mean we should fear making mistakes in our service to God?”

Jesus: “James, while you should always strive to serve God with a pure heart and according to His will, you are under grace and not under the old covenant of the Law. God is merciful and understands your imperfections. Approach Him with a sincere heart, seeking forgiveness and guidance, and He will be faithful to forgive and to teach you.”

Philip: “So, maintaining the purity of our worship is crucial?”

Jesus: “Absolutely, Philip. Purity in worship isn’t about rituals or outward appearances but about the sincerity and truthfulness of your heart. Worship God in spirit and in truth, and ensure that your practices and expressions of faith align with His Word.”

Bartholomew: “It’s about integrity in our faith and worship, then?”

Jesus: “Indeed, Bartholomew. Let your faith and your actions be aligned with what God has revealed. Let there be no discrepancy between what you profess and how you live. This integrity in faith and practice honors God and protects you from the pitfalls of hypocrisy or casual irreverence.”

Matthew: “Master, help us to always remember the seriousness with which we should approach Your teachings and commands.”

Jesus: “Matthew, keep my words close to your heart. Let them guide you in every aspect of your life. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s help to understand and apply God’s truths. As you walk in obedience and reverence, you will grow in wisdom and find joy in your relationship with the Father.”

Thomas: “Lord, give us the strength to serve You faithfully and to always respect Your holy standards.”

Jesus: “Thomas, rely on my strength, not your own. I am with you, and my grace is sufficient for you, even in your weaknesses. As you depend on me, you will be equipped to serve faithfully and to honor God in all you do.”

Simon the Zealot: “It’s a sobering reminder of the need for reverence in all we do for the Lord.”

Jesus: “Simon, may this reminder inspire you to pursue a life of holiness, guided by the Holy Spirit, filled with reverence for God, and committed to living out His commands faithfully.”