(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

What does it mean to be Risen?

Jesus: “To be risen is to be awakened from the death of sin to the life of righteousness. It signifies the victory over death, not just in the physical sense, as in my resurrection, but also spiritually for all who believe in me. Through my resurrection, believers are granted new life, a rebirth into a living hope.”

Peter: “Master, it’s like the transformation we’ve witnessed in ourselves and in those who follow you. From despair to hope, from darkness to light.”

Jesus: “Exactly, Peter. Just as I was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so too we walk in newness of life. Being risen is embodying the resurrection in your daily life, showing the world the power of grace and redemption.”

John: “Lord, it’s about bearing witness to the truth of your resurrection through how we live, isn’t it? Our lives should reflect the love, joy, and peace that come from being risen with you.”

Jesus: “John, you’ve captured the essence beautifully. To be risen with me is to live out the reality of the resurrection in every aspect of life. It means that your actions, words, and thoughts are infused with the transformative power of my resurrection.”

Andrew: “So, being risen is not just a one-time event but a continuous state of living in your resurrection power, transforming how we interact with the world around us.”

Jesus: “Andrew, that’s a profound insight. It’s an ongoing journey of being shaped and molded by the resurrection’s power, allowing it to guide your path, inform your choices, and manifest in your love for others.”

Thomas: “Master, it requires faith to live as if we’re truly risen, especially when faced with challenges and doubts.”

Jesus: “Thomas, indeed, it requires faith. Faith that I am with you always, faith in the promises of God, and faith that the same power that raised me from the dead is at work within you, empowering you to overcome the world’s challenges.”

Simon the Zealot: “It’s a call to action then, Lord—a call to live courageously, knowing we’re supported by your resurrection power.”

Jesus: “Simon, you’re right. Being risen is a call to action, to live out the values of the Kingdom of God courageously and to make a difference in the world. It’s about embodying the resurrection so fully that others can’t help but see and be drawn to the light.”

James, son of Zebedee: “It puts into perspective our mission, Lord. To be bearers of your light, showing the way to those lost in darkness.”

Jesus: “James, as bearers of my light, you are to shine brightly in the darkness, guiding others to the truth of the resurrection. Being risen means you are a beacon of hope, a testament to the life-changing power of the gospel.”

Philip: “And in this way, Lord, the resurrection continues through us, through our words and deeds, extending your life-giving presence everywhere we go.”

Jesus: “Philip, beautifully said. The resurrection continues through each of you as you live out your faith. Through you, the message of hope and new life is carried forward, inviting all to experience the joy of being truly risen.”