(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

What does God think of Hope?

Jesus: “Hope is deeply valued in the eyes of God. It is an essential part of faith, providing assurance and comfort in His promises. Hope is what sustains you through trials, knowing that God’s plans are for your good and that His purposes will ultimately prevail.”

Peter: “Lord, how does hope differ from faith?”

Jesus: “Peter, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Faith is the foundation and hope is the expression. Hope looks forward with desire and reasonable confidence to that which is good and beneficial. While faith focuses on believing in my promises, hope anticipates the joy of their fulfillment.”

John: “Master, what happens when someone loses hope?”

Jesus: “John, losing hope can make the heart sick, as Proverbs says. But remember, hope in God is renewed when you trust in His word and His character. I am the source of all hope, and by staying connected to me through prayer and the Scriptures, your hope will be renewed like the eagle’s.”

Andrew: “Does hope have a practical effect on our lives, Lord?”

Jesus: “Indeed, Andrew. Hope influences how you live. It affects your decisions, your resilience, and your ability to persevere through hardships. A hopeful person can face difficulties with a spirit of strength and endurance, knowing that there is a meaningful future secured by God.”

James, son of Zebedee: “Is there a way to cultivate more hope in our lives?”

Jesus: “James, to cultivate hope, immerse yourself in the promises found in Scripture. Surround yourself with fellow believers who will encourage you and remind you of these truths. Also, actively recall and testify of God’s faithfulness in your past. Each remembrance and testimony builds your confidence in God’s ongoing care and provision.”

Philip: “Lord, how does hope affect our relationship with others?”

Jesus: “Philip, a hopeful spirit is contagious. It enables you to offer encouragement and support to others who are struggling. By sharing your hope, you reflect the love and compassion of God, helping to lift others out of despair and guiding them toward faith and trust in God.”

Bartholomew: “Can hope change the way we see the world?”

Jesus: “Absolutely, Bartholomew. Hope changes your perspective. It allows you to see beyond the immediate troubles and focus on the eternal purposes of God. This eternal perspective not only sustains you but also enables you to engage with the world more positively and proactively.”

Matthew: “Does hope have an end, Lord?”

Jesus: “Matthew, the hope that is seen is not hope, for who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. The ultimate fulfillment of hope is in the coming of God’s Kingdom in its fullness. Until then, your hope grows and matures as you walk with me.”

Thomas: “What about those who feel their hope is too small?”

Jesus: “Thomas, even a small amount of hope, like a mustard seed of faith, can grow into something great. Do not despise small beginnings or weak moments. God can use even the faintest hope to do mighty works in your heart and life.”

Simon the Zealot: “So, hope is not just for us but for us to share?”

Jesus: “Exactly, Simon. Hope not only sustains you but is also a gift you give to others. As you carry this hope into the world, you light up the darkness, showing the way to peace and salvation. Hope, therefore, becomes a vital part of your mission as my followers.”