(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

What About Dinosaurs?

Peter: Lord, the world speaks of creatures long gone, great beasts like dinosaurs. They seem so different from what we know. How should we, as followers of your way, view these things?

Jesus: Peter, all things that exist were created by the hand of the Father, whether seen or unseen. In the book of Genesis, it is written, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). All creatures, great and small, came from His wisdom. These creatures, which you call dinosaurs, were part of His creation, living in a time long before you.

Thomas: But Master, how do we reconcile their existence with what we read in the Scriptures? We hear of them through the wisdom of men, but they are not spoken of in the sacred writings. What should we believe?

Jesus: Thomas, do not let your heart be troubled by what is not written in Scripture. The Word of God reveals what is needed for your faith and salvation. There are mysteries in creation that you may not fully understand in this life. Yet, all of creation bears witness to the power and majesty of the Father.

John: So, Lord, we should see these creatures as part of God’s creation, just as we view the stars and the oceans?

Jesus: Yes, John. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth shows His handiwork (Psalm 19:1). Whether it be the smallest flower or the largest beast, all speak of God’s creative power. The existence of such creatures in ages past serves as a reminder of His sovereignty over time and all living things.

Andrew: But, Master, should we be concerned if others ask us about the details of these creatures, or about the timing of their existence? How do we respond?

Jesus: Andrew, when questions arise, answer in humility and faith. Speak of the Creator, who formed all things and set the times and seasons according to His will. You are not called to know every detail of creation’s history, but to trust the One who holds all knowledge. Remember, the greatest commandment is not to know all things, but to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37).

Philip: So then, our focus should remain on what you have taught us — to love God, to love one another, and to seek His kingdom above all?

Jesus: Indeed, Philip. The mysteries of creation are vast, but the kingdom of God is at hand. Keep your eyes on the things eternal. Dinosaurs, like all creatures, served their purpose in the Father’s plan. Let that remind you of His greatness, but do not let it distract you from the work of love and faith that you are called to today.

.John: Master, there are those who claim that the discovery of dinosaurs and the ages they lived in seem to contradict the account of creation in Genesis. How should we understand this?

Jesus: John, the Word of God is not in conflict with truth, for all truth comes from the Father. The book of Genesis reveals the creation in a way that speaks to the heart of mankind, revealing God as the Creator of all things. It was written to show His sovereignty, His goodness, and His purpose for humanity. Yet, there are mysteries in the workings of creation that were not meant to be fully explained in those first writings.

Thomas: Lord, I have often wondered about this myself. If the Scriptures tell us of the creation in six days, how do we reconcile that with what men say about the earth being much older, with dinosaurs living millions of years ago?

Jesus: Thomas, you ask an important question. Know this: the days in Genesis reveal the order and purpose of God’s creation, but the timing of these days is not always understood in human terms. To the Lord, “a thousand years are as one day” (2 Peter 3:8). The Scriptures were given to draw you closer to God, not to answer every scientific detail.

Andrew: So, Lord, the Genesis account is true in its message about God and His creation, but it doesn’t explain every mystery of the earth’s history?

Jesus: Exactly, Andrew. The account of Genesis reveals the truth that matters most — that God created all things, that man is made in His image, and that He has a plan for the world. Whether dinosaurs lived in an age before man, or how long ago they walked the earth, does not undo the truth that God is the Creator of all.

Peter: Then, Master, should we see the Genesis story as more than just a record of events? Does it also speak to us about our relationship with God?

Jesus: Yes, Peter. Genesis reveals the foundation of your relationship with God — that He made you, that He loves you, and that He calls you to live in fellowship with Him. Do not be troubled by the details that are not revealed. The purpose of Scripture is to lead you to faith, to teach you about sin and redemption, and to guide you toward eternal life.

Philip: Lord, then we can accept the discoveries of the world, like dinosaurs, without doubting the truth of the Scriptures?

Jesus: Indeed, Philip. The discoveries of the world can inspire awe for the wonders of God’s creation. But always remember that science uncovers what is seen, while the Scriptures reveal the unseen — the truth about God, His will, and His love for mankind. Do not fear that one contradicts the other, for all truth is God’s truth. Trust in His Word, and walk by faith.

As it is written, “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children” (Deuteronomy 29:29). Let your hearts be at peace, knowing that God’s ways are higher than ours.