(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

Tell us about Titus 1:6

Jesus: “In Titus 1:6, Paul provides criteria for those who would serve as elders in the church. He writes, ‘If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.’”

Peter: “Lord, why does Paul emphasize being ‘blameless’ and ‘the husband of one wife’?”

Jesus: “Peter, being ‘blameless’ doesn’t mean being perfect but having a character that is above reproach, especially in the eyes of those outside the church. It’s about living in such a way that there’s no valid accusation against one’s moral and spiritual integrity. As for ‘the husband of one wife,’ it speaks to the leader’s commitment and fidelity in marriage, reflecting God’s design for marital faithfulness and stability.”

Andrew: “And what about having ‘faithful children not accused of riot or unruly’? How does that reflect on a leader?”

Jesus: “Andrew, the behavior of a leader’s children can reflect on their ability to manage and lead their own household well. If a leader can guide his family with wisdom and grace, it suggests he can also shepherd God’s church effectively. It’s not a demand for perfection in parenting but an indication of responsible and godly household management.”

John: “It seems like these criteria are as much about the witness of the church as they are about the individual.”

Jesus: “Exactly, John. Leaders in the church are to exemplify Christ-like character and godly living, serving as models for the congregation and the wider community. Their lives should testify to the transformative power of the gospel.”

Philip: “How should someone aspiring to be a leader in the church approach these qualifications?”

Jesus: “Philip, let them first seek to grow in their relationship with me, striving for a life that reflects my teachings and character. Let them manage their households well, with love and integrity, and let them be faithful stewards of what I’ve entrusted to them, including their relationships.”

Matthew: “It’s a high calling, Lord. It seems daunting.”

Jesus: “Matthew, it is a significant responsibility, but remember, it’s not by one’s strength but by my grace and Spirit that anyone can fulfill this calling. Those who depend on me, seeking my wisdom and guidance, will be equipped for every good work, including leadership in the church.”

Bartholomew: “So, it’s about reflecting your character, Jesus, in every area of our lives, especially if called to lead.”

Jesus: “Yes, Bartholomew. Leadership in the church is ultimately about serving others, reflecting my love and righteousness, and guiding the church in truth and grace. It’s a role that demands humility, diligence, and a heart aligned with mine.”