(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

Tell us about Exodus 3:3

Jesus: “In Exodus 3:3, we come upon a pivotal moment in the life of Moses and in the story of the Israelites’ journey towards freedom. Moses, while tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, encounters a bush that burns with fire but is not consumed.”

Thomas: “Master, this sight puzzled Moses, prompting him to say, ‘I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.’ What was the significance of this burning bush that was not consumed?”

Jesus: “Thomas, this burning bush was a symbol of God’s presence, a holy ground where heaven touched earth. It was a sign that God was with His people in their affliction, and His essence and purity could not be diminished by the fires of this world. The bush burned but was not consumed, just as God’s people would face trials but not be overcome.”

Peter: “Lord, it’s fascinating. Moses’ curiosity led him to a divine encounter. Is there a lesson in Moses’ response for us?”

Jesus: “Indeed, Peter. Moses’ willingness to turn aside from his path to investigate the bush is a lesson in being attentive to God’s presence in our lives. Often, God speaks through unexpected signs and wonders, calling us to turn aside from our routines and to encounter Him.”

Andrew: “And when Moses turned to look, God called out to him from the bush, ‘Moses, Moses.’ That direct call by name, it’s so personal.”

Jesus: “Yes, Andrew. God calls each of us by name, signaling a personal relationship and a unique mission. Just as Moses was called for a purpose, so too are each of you called to fulfill God’s will in your lives.”

John: “Master, how should we respond when we feel God calling us, even if it’s not as dramatic as a burning bush?”

Jesus: “John, always with a heart open to hear and obey. The call may not come through a burning bush, but through the Scriptures, the inner prompting of the Holy Spirit, or the needs of those around you. Be attentive and ready to say, ‘Here am I,’ just as Moses did.”

Bartholomew: “This story then, it’s about recognizing God’s presence, answering His call, and trusting Him to lead us, even into the unknown.”

Jesus: “Precisely, Bartholomew. The burning bush is a testament to God’s eternal presence, His call to service, and the promise of His guidance. As you encounter God in your journey, remember Moses’ example of faith and obedience.”