(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

Psalms 110:4

Jesus: “Consider Psalm 110:4, a verse of profound significance about the Messiah’s eternal priesthood. It states, ‘The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.’”

Peter: “Lord, who is Melchizedek, and why is the Messiah compared to him?”

Jesus: “Peter, Melchizedek was a king and priest of Salem, mentioned in Genesis. He blessed Abraham and was unique because his priesthood was not based on lineage or the Law, unlike the Levitical priests. This comparison signifies that the Messiah’s priesthood is eternal and universal, not bound by the laws that govern the Levitical priesthood.”

John: “What does it mean that this priesthood is ‘forever’?”

Jesus: “John, the term ‘forever’ emphasizes the unending and perfect nature of the Messiah’s priesthood. Unlike earthly priests who serve only during their lifetimes, the Messiah’s priestly role continues eternally. He is both king and priest, providing intercession and governance that never cease.”

Andrew: “Does this eternal priesthood affect how we approach God?”

Jesus: “Yes, Andrew, it does. As your eternal priest, I mediate between God and man continuously. This means you can always approach God with confidence, knowing that your intercessor is always present, always advocating on your behalf.”

James, son of Zebedee: “How should this understanding change our prayer life?”

Jesus: “James, knowing that you have an eternal priest should give you boldness in your prayers. There is no need for repeated sacrifices or intermediaries according to the old covenant. My sacrifice is sufficient, and My priesthood is enough. Approach God openly, earnestly, and without fear.”

Philip: “Master, how does this priesthood relate to the sacrifices offered in the Temple?”

Jesus: “Philip, the sacrifices of the Temple were shadows of the true and better sacrifice to come—My own sacrifice on the cross. The old sacrifices temporarily covered sins, but My sacrifice removes sin completely. As an eternal priest, I ensure that this once-for-all sacrifice remains effective forever.”

Bartholomew: “Should we still observe the rituals and sacrifices ordained in the Law?”

Jesus: “Bartholomew, while the rituals and sacrifices were significant and commanded by God for a time, they pointed to something greater—My coming and My work. Now that I am here, focus on living out the law of love and the principles behind those rituals—justice, mercy, and faithfulness.”

Matthew: “How does this priesthood connect with your kingship, Lord?”

Jesus: “Matthew, as both priest and king, I uphold justice and offer mercy. My kingship enforces God’s law, and My priesthood extends God’s grace. Together, they provide a complete picture of God’s plan for redemption and governance.”

Thomas: “Does this mean your priesthood transcends cultural and religious boundaries?”

Jesus: “Exactly, Thomas. As a priest in the order of Melchizedek, I am not just the Messiah for Israel but for all humanity. My priesthood invites all nations into a relationship with God, breaking down the barriers that once separated the chosen from the rest of the world.”

James, son of Alphaeus: “How can we best represent this truth to others who are not of our faith?”

Jesus: “James, live and teach in a way that reflects the inclusivity and permanence of My priesthood. Demonstrate grace and invite everyone to come to God through Me. Let your lives be a testament to the peace and reconciliation I bring.”

Thaddaeus: “Lord, how can we reassure those who feel unworthy before God?”

Jesus: “Thaddaeus, remind them that as their eternal priest, I have made the perfect sacrifice for their sins. They are not only forgiven but also clothed in My righteousness. Encourage them to approach God as their Father, free from guilt and shame.”

Simon the Zealot: “Is there a way we should commemorate or celebrate this priesthood in our gatherings?”

Jesus: “Simon, when you gather, remember My death and resurrection, celebrate My eternal priesthood through communion, and recount the truths of My sacrifice and ongoing intercession. Let your worship be filled with thankfulness for the eternal access you have to God through Me.”

Judas Iscariot: “And if we struggle with doubt about this eternal role, how should we address our hearts?”

Jesus: “Judas, bring your doubts to Me in prayer. Study the Scriptures to see the prophecies and teachings about My role. Let the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth, confirming in your heart the reality of My eternal priesthood and kingship.”