(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

How does God treat Narcissists?

Jesus: God, in His infinite love and mercy, desires that all come to repentance and experience His grace, even those who are consumed by pride and self-centeredness. Narcissism, like all forms of sin, distorts the truth and blinds the heart to the needs of others and to God’s will. But God does not abandon the narcissist; rather, He calls them to humility and repentance, offering the healing that only He can provide.

Peter: Lord, I remember how pride often got the best of me, especially when I thought I could never betray You. Yet, You were patient with me and led me back to the truth. Is this how God deals with those who are caught up in themselves?

Jesus: Yes, Peter. Just as I sought you when you strayed, so does God seek those who are lost in their pride. He allows circumstances to reveal the emptiness of self-reliance and the futility of seeking fulfillment apart from Him. God’s discipline is not to punish, but to correct, to lead the proud heart to a place of humility where true healing and restoration can begin.

John: Master, what if they do not repent? How does God’s love manifest in the face of persistent arrogance?

Jesus: God’s love is always patient, always seeking to draw the lost to Him, but He will not force anyone to accept His grace. If a heart remains hardened, choosing self over God, then that soul distances itself from the life God offers. Yet, even in judgment, God’s justice is mingled with sorrow, for He desires that none should perish. His love is constant, but He honors the free will He has given each person.

James: Lord, how can we help someone who is consumed by narcissism? Is there a way to reflect God’s love to them?

Jesus: The best way to reach a narcissist is through love and truth, spoken with gentleness and patience. Pray for them, that their hearts may be softened and their eyes opened to the truth. Sometimes, it is through the example of humility and selflessness in others that they begin to see the folly of their ways. But remember, the change of heart must come from within, through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Andrew: So, we must trust in God’s timing and continue to love them, even when it seems they are far from change?

Jesus: Yes, Andrew. Trust in God’s timing and His power to transform. Love them as I have loved you—patiently, persistently, and with a heart that seeks their ultimate good. Leave the outcome in God’s hands, for He knows the heart and can reach even the most hardened soul.