(Please note: These posts are not actual words or teachings of Jesus Christ or His disciples. These posts represent a creative interpretation of their personalities and messages as depicted in the Bible. While efforts are made to stay true to the spirit and message of the biblical text, this content should be viewed as a fictional and educational tool, not as a substitute for religious study or personal faith. See the About page for more info.)

Ezra 7:14

Jesus: My dear friends, let us reflect on Ezra 7:14. The verse states, “Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, and of his seven counsellors, to enquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of thy God which is in thine hand.”

This verse comes from a significant moment in the history of Israel. Ezra, a scribe skilled in the Law of Moses, was commissioned by King Artaxerxes of Persia to lead a group of exiles back to Jerusalem. The king not only granted Ezra authority but also provided him with the resources and support needed for the journey and the mission.

Andrew: Lord, it seems that Ezra was given a great responsibility and authority to lead and teach the people according to your law. What does this tell us about the importance of faithfulness and leadership?

Jesus: Andrew, you are correct. Ezra’s mission highlights the importance of being faithful to God’s laws and the crucial role of godly leadership. Ezra was chosen because of his dedication to the Scriptures and his commitment to living by them. His example shows that true leadership in God’s kingdom is rooted in a deep understanding and obedience to God’s word.

Peter: Master, Ezra was sent by a foreign king to restore the laws of God among the people. It reminds me that God can use anyone and any situation to fulfill His purposes. How can we be open to such unexpected ways God might work through us?

Jesus: Peter, it is essential to remain open and attentive to God’s leading, even when it comes from unexpected sources. As it is written, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). Stay faithful, and be ready to serve in whatever way God directs.

Philip: Lord, Ezra’s task was also to ensure that the people lived according to your law. This must have been a tremendous task. How can we ensure that we, too, live according to your teachings in our daily lives?

Jesus: Philip, living according to God’s teachings requires diligence and a sincere heart. Remember the words of the Psalmist, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11). Study the Scriptures, pray for understanding, and seek to apply my teachings in every aspect of your life. By doing so, you will reflect my love and truth to those around you.

John: Master, Ezra’s mission also involved a journey back to Jerusalem, a return to the heart of worship. How can we continually renew our own hearts in worship and devotion to you?

Jesus: John, renewing your heart in worship involves daily communion with me through prayer, worship, and the study of my word. As it is written, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you” (James 4:8). Keep your heart open and receptive to the Holy Spirit, and continually seek to align your life with my teachings. True worship is a lifestyle of devotion and obedience to God.