Daily Devotions
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Exodus 4:7
Jesus: “In Exodus 4:7, we find a moment where God demonstrates His power to Moses in a very personal and direct way.” Thomas: “What happened…
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How can we help someone struggling with alcoholism?
Jesus: “In confronting the challenges of alcoholism, it is crucial to approach those struggling with a heart full of compassion and understanding. Remember, ‘Blessed are…
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Acts 1:1
Jesus: “Acts 1:1 begins the account of the early church, written by Luke as a continuation of his Gospel. It says, ‘The former treatise have…
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Ezra 1:1
Jesus: “Ezra 1:1 marks a significant moment in the history of Israel, illustrating God’s faithfulness to His promises and His sovereignty over the nations. It…
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Tell us about Ruth 3:9
Jesus: “Ruth 3:9 is a pivotal moment in the story of Ruth and Boaz. After following Naomi’s advice, Ruth goes to Boaz at the threshing…
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Jeremiah 3:3
Jesus: “Jeremiah 3:3 speaks to the heart of God’s relationship with His people, highlighting the consequences of their unfaithfulness. The verse says, ‘Therefore the showers…
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Tell us about Genesis 16:1
Jesus: “Genesis 16:1 sets the stage for the story of Hagar, Abram, and Sarai. It reads, ‘Now Sarai Abram’s wife bare him no children: and…
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Tell us about Titus 1:6
Jesus: “In Titus 1:6, Paul provides criteria for those who would serve as elders in the church. He writes, ‘If any be blameless, the husband…
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Tell us about Revelations 1:5
Jesus: “Revelation 1:5 is a verse that speaks deeply of my identity and work. It says, ‘And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness,…
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Tell us about Matthew 3:2
Jesus: “In Matthew 3:2, John the Baptist proclaims a message that is both urgent and timeless: ‘Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at…